Bathroom Picture Ideas Pinterest

Bathroom Picture Ideas Pinterest – Pinterest Bathroom Decor Ideas That Really Work Posted by Isabella House on November 22, 2019 at 8:35 pm Leave a comment

Over the past few years, Pinterest has fully evolved into the world’s largest online forum for decorating ideas. You can easily search Pinterest for bathroom decor ideas and find millions of different projects.

Bathroom Picture Ideas Pinterest

Bathroom Picture Ideas Pinterest

Like Pinterest, there isn’t really a filter to show which ideas are legit. Cover images and final products can be very misleading.

Pinterest Inspired Design Ideas For Your Kitchen And Bath

The phrase “Pinterest Fail” has been trending on the internet lately, as people try to take on simple projects but end up with different results.

The creative team at Market Apartments took on the challenge of creating our very own DIY bathrooms. We scoured Pinterest for hours and picked out the bathroom decorating projects we thought were the most successful. These are the projects we decided to tackle!

In fact, we’ve seen copies of this sign sell for over $20 on Pinterest. It was much more expensive than what we did!

If you want to create your own logo, you can use free programs like Over or Adobe Illustrator.

The 15 Most Beautiful Bathrooms On Pinterest

We bought our frame at Dollar Tree and printed a free sign at our office. This idea was great!

We bought two types of spray paint. One is acrylic paint and the other is just standard spray paint. Neither of us had tried acrylic spray paint before and were a bit hesitant about how it would turn out.

We did some quick research to find that before spraying paint glass, the surface should be wiped with rubbing alcohol.

Bathroom Picture Ideas Pinterest

Let’s make sure we have a paintbrush for acrylic paint nearby in case we have to do it again. Paint can run and needs to be smoothed out. It took several coats of paint to completely cover the glass container.

Bathrooms In Vogue: The 1000% Pinterest Surge In Bathroom Style Searches

This project is probably the easiest and least amount of work. It turned out to be one of our favorites too!

We bought three candles from Hobby Lobby. The candles were a bit more expensive than we expected.

Our last Pinterest bathroom decor idea is to upgrade a plain trash can to something more stylish and matching with the rest of the decor!

We bought a plain black bin, hoping to find some yarn at Dollar Tree, but found none.

Pinterest Bathroom Decor That Actually Worked

At Hobby Lobby, we found a cord and fabric combination that works well. Ideally, you can use any rope to stack the garbage, but you need to be careful about the correct sizes and proportions.

Had to use a hot glue gun to get the rope to stay in the bin. Depending on the type of rope you are using, you can use rubber cement or cloth tape.

It’s a really easy way to make the trash can look nicer and less messy. It goes with the theme and ties everything together.

Bathroom Picture Ideas Pinterest

When decorating your bathroom, it’s important to combine style with practicality. Not all of the Pinterest bathroom decorating projects we tried were great; They should also be active.

Modern Neutral Bathroom Ideas

Painted supply holders are not only attractive; They provided everyday items like toothbrushes and cotton balls for storage. By spraying the pots and adding rope accents, we created something both beautiful and functional. These holders organized the counter and added a personal touch to the space.

The Zen candle garden served as more than a visual focal point. We used candles and rocks in a spray-painted pie tin to create a relaxing atmosphere perfect for relaxing. Candles provided a soft, soothing light, perfect for relaxing after a long day, while rocks beautifully complemented the natural, rustic elements.

The last piece, the rope litter, is not a fashion update; This is a practical improvement. A simple vase wrapped in rope gave it a cohesive look that matched the rest of the bathroom decor. The strong rope helped to protect the tin from corrosion and increase the life of the room. These projects show that a little creativity can make your bathroom both stylish and functional.

Absolutely! Many of the Pinterest bathroom decorating ideas we’ve explored can transition seamlessly into other rooms, bringing their beauty and functionality. Let’s see how you can reuse these DIY projects outside of the bathroom.

There are plenty of creative possibilities to explore when considering how Pinterest bathroom decorating ideas can integrate with modern, farmhouse, spa-like, bohemian, and beachy styles. In a modern bathroom, the elegant simplicity of schemes like painted supply holders and rope bowls can blend seamlessly. Their clean lines and minimalist designs complement modern appliances, adding functional elegance.

Conversely, farmhouse-style bathrooms exude a cozy, rustic feel. The warmth of natural materials and earthy tones in the garden’s zen candles and wicker baskets go well with this style. These DIY projects reflect the cozy atmosphere of farmhouse decor and add authenticity and nostalgia to the space.

For those who prefer spa-like relaxation in the bathroom, a Zen candle garden provides a peaceful center for relaxation and rejuvenation. Together with soft lighting and scented candles, this project creates a relaxing atmosphere similar to a luxurious spa retreat. The natural elements and soothing texture add balance and calm, adding to the spa-like atmosphere.

Bathroom Picture Ideas Pinterest

Finally, coastal themed bathrooms take inspiration from the sea and the beach, using a soft blue, white and sandy color palette. Rope accents on painted supply holders and rope litter can evoke a nautical vibe, while a Zen candle garden complements the coastal aesthetic with its natural elements and ambiance.

Together, these Pinterest-inspired projects create a seaside haven where you can escape the daily grind and relax in a peaceful setting.

Spray painting with acrylic paint produces a thicker coat than regular spray paint. This discovery is key to achieving a bright and lasting result for our projects. For example, the thickness of the acrylic paint gave our glass containers a high-quality look, even though they were simple to begin with. Also, we found that glue works better than rope to attach fabric to a frame. This simplified our process and ensured a strong, durable bond, improving the quality of our DIY decorations.

Overall, our team was pleased with the results. Each item not only looks good but also serves a practical purpose, helping us keep our bathroom clean and attractive. However, we’ve noticed that for some items, like the litter box, the store-bought option is more durable and beautiful. Despite these minor issues, experience has shown us the importance of creativity and flexibility in DIY projects. With the right materials and techniques, you can achieve great results on a budget.

Honestly, it was challenging and a lot of fun. Unfortunately the easiest and cheapest plan can sometimes be the opposite. Of course there are some decorations that we would love to buy and not waste time on.

The truth is, you don’t always have to buy elaborate and expensive decorations. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also have a creative experience.

You can try these Pinterest bathroom decor ideas with your friends. Help each other make your apartment feel like home.

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Bathroom Picture Ideas Pinterest

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Isabella House is a passionate and versatile professional writer with a deep love of words and a commitment to creating content that engages, informs and inspires. With years of experience in the industry, she has honed her skills in a variety of genres, from creative storytelling to informative articles and technical papers. Time to start one of the first big projects of the year! I shared my project goals for 2021 last week and it’s great to finally get started. First I need to gather some modern neutral bathroom ideas and then I start putting my design boards together.

This year my facing bathroom is attached to my son’s room and is a full bathroom accessible from the hallway. I gave it a little makeover a few years ago to add a little character, but now it’s time to completely ditch it and make it my own!

My son currently has this bathroom, but we are getting ready to move my daughter into her room so she can have her own bathroom! That being said, I help her with the design and she comments on it. I really like it, but it’s not just my opinion

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